Barack Obama became America's first black president yersterday in a singular moment of history and proclaimed the nation had chosen "hope over fear" in the face of economic gloom and foreign wars. Obama, the son of a black Kenyan father and white American mother, laid his hand on the same Bible that Abraham Lincoln used at his inauguration in 1861 to take the oath of office. Obama's inauguration, on the steps of the US Capitol which was partially built with slave labor, broke the highest racial barrier in the United States, and may go a long way to consummating civil rights icon Martin Luther King's dream of racial unity. Obama has vowed to hit the ground running as soon as he takes office, pushing an 825-billion-dollar stimulus package to lift the US economy and vowing to repair the tattered US image abroad. The new president has also offered talks with US foes such as Iran.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
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Dalam kitab disebut bahawa orang murtad dan munafik lebih meerbahaya daripada orang kafir. Malahan orang murtad boleh dihukum bunuh. Sementara orang munafik ibaratkan musuh dalam selimut, yang kita tak tahu adakah dia itu saudara sesama agama atau bukan kerana sifat munafiknya itu.
Tentang Obama hampir sama dengan nama Osama. Sekiranya Obama hitam, maka Osama puteh. Hitam puteh dalam cerita dongeng mat salleh adalah sama dengan bawang puteh dan bawang merah. Buruk and the best.
Dalam tanda-tanda hari kiamat maka akan lahirlah dajal wa mahjuj datang dari barat dan timur, untuk lahirnya imam mahdi.
Yang best tetap B.W.G. Bush. Sebelum berhenti dia berjaya menjadikan Palestin dan Israel hancur ibarat BUZZ, BUSTLE & BUSTER yang selepas ini, barangan USA menjadi laku untuk membena semula Iraq, Afhanistan, Israel dan Palestin. Kerana kemusnahan itu perlu dicipta untuk mencari market.
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